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Opening of the 137th annual international trade mark in Santiago Conference Center

AddTime:2015-12-21 15:13:07   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close



Beijing San state is invited to participate in the 137th international trade mark held in Santiago Convention Center -6,.2015.5.2, 137th annual International Trade Conference Center in Santiago, California opened. Since 1878, the international trademark annual meeting has been held for 136 consecutive years, whether war or economic crisis has never been interrupted, has become the world's trademark industry annual event.
The success of the International Trademark Association has benefited from the excellent organization and management of the International Trademark Association. As one of the world's 190 countries, more than countries, more than 6500 members.
Beijing saint, Germany, Japan, Spain and other countries, the international business in China's trademark development, international business and international trade mark registration, and other issues, and to present the representatives of the company to establish a wide range of business contacts, and to strengthen the communication platform to explore the current hot topic and the development trend of the brand, to provide more convenient and more high quality service for domestic and foreign enterprises.


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