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Beijing Shengzhou 2015 prairie line

AddTime:2015-12-21 11:23:25   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close

Farewell to the hustle and bustle of the city, in July 2015 8 to 10, Beijing Shengzhou rate staff organized a prairie day road trip, so that we experience the wind and see the low grass and sheep natural scenery tour.
Along the way, everyone singing and laughing, understanding of the history and culture of the company, understand each individual life experience. After about 4 hours, arrive at the destination, colorful picturesque cloud grassland. There was a cool breeze, with the soil and the smell of grass, a excited on the prairie embrace, feel the prairie quiet and heroic, travel to the edge of the prairie flowers in knots to rape pictures, laughing, running and jumping.
Laughter, a 3 day journey to end soon, lunch, everyone began to embark on the trip. The trip back to Beijing, relax decompression at the same time not only enhance the emotional communication between people, but also enhance the cohesion of the enterprise, fully demonstrated the company's team, so that a more high enthusiasm to to work.

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